On Scloby it is possible to manage the insertion of Menus by creating special price lists. The method that we will see in this short guide will allow you to use the products already present in the à la carte menu and to download them from warehouse stocks, if they have been previously enabled (see also Creating and editing a product sheet ).
The attribution of the price linked to the secondary price list can be carried out during the creation / modification of the product, eg. assigning a value to the "Price List 2" field (details in Creating and editing a product sheet, GENERAL sheet). Clearly it will be possible to assign more prices according to your needs.
Let's take for example the creation of a MENU for the price of 10 euros, in which to insert items already present in the preconfigured price list. The first thing to do is to create a specific MENU product (you can clearly assign any useful name to recognize it immediately), to this we will attribute to the "Price List 1" (as mandatory) and to the "Price List 2", the final value of our menu:
NB as for any other article it will be necessary to enter all the mandatory fields, including Category and Department.
We will proceed in a similar way for all the products that we want to insert in the menu. In this case, however, we will leave the "List Price 1" unchanged and we will attribute the value "0" to the "List Price 2". Let's take for example a hypothetical "Lasagne" product:
Once the operation has been completed for all the products that we want to include in the menu, we will have everything we need to be able to manage it during the service.
Once you have reached the COMMANDS module (see also Creating a command and Editing the content and sending a command ), the first thing to do is to select the list chosen for menu management from the appropriate icon , in our case the number "2". By doing so we will only see the products to which a secondary price has been associated. At this point, we will be able to proceed with the insertion of the "MENU" item in the command at the desired exit, and then to select the "Lasagne":
You can proceed in the same way, in case you want to insert additional menus. If you want to add products on the main price list to the same order, just select "1" from the icon .
When asked to apply the prices of this price list to the products already included in the order, it will be necessary to give a negative answer.
NB if you want to customize the name of the price list, it is possible to assign one from the SETTINGS -> GENERAL of Scloby (see also Management and modification of the General Settings tab PREFERENCES ).