Introduction to the Products module


In this module you can create, modify and delete product sheets, categories, departments, ingredients and raw materials. You can access this module through the main menuMenu.png by selecting Products .


the button more.png at the bottom right, allows you to access the creation of a new product. For details on this, refer to the specific guide Creating and editing a product sheet .

On the left of the screen, you can see the list of previously created / imported Categories. By choosing one of those present, you will be able to see on the right the corresponding product list with their names, prices to the public, purchase costs, reference categories, VAT departments and any preview images.

At the top left it will be possible to search for a specific item by writing its name in the "Search for a product" field

In addition to the category at the end, through the additional filters on the left, it will be possible to view the articles by department, sales channel, availability in stock, or by supplier. Finally you will have the possibility to choose the reference price list and decide on a price range.

By pressing on the line of any product you can access its personal data and possibly modify it.

On the left of each row you can select the favorite products indicated by the icon Favorites.png , these can be viewed both in the Cashier and in Orders in a special "FAVORITES" category that will be displayed before all the others.

The icon menu_prodotto_1.png to the right of the line, on the other hand, allows you to enter a submenu of the corresponding article.


What each function is for is specified below:

Edit It allows you to enter the master data of the single item and in case of need for modification
Duplicate allows you to duplicate a product that can be modified later
Generate Labels Allows the creation of the label with price and corresponding barcode (more details to follow)
Delete Permanently delete the selected product

The icons at the top right allow you to:

az.png Sort the product list by name, ascending price, descending price
dots.png Access the subsections Categories , Departments , Ingredients , Raw Materials and go to the dedicated module for import / export of the price list.

By selecting one or more products via Check.png to the left of the articles, it will be possible to access further specific functions for the selected elements.


Through the appropriate functions at the top right it will be possible to:

Print_icon_labels.png Create the price tag and corresponding barcode
Download.png Download the list of selected products in csv format, ready to be modified on a spreadsheet and possibly imported using the appropriate form. See also Importing data
Cestina.png Delete one or more selected products

By choosing the first of the three functions described, the screen below will be displayed.


NB For details on the label printing function, refer to the Print labels guide as the template creation operation is currently only manageable through the Promotions module.

For the templates created, a pre-filled PDF file will be generated for printing through specific ZEBRA devices, check which ones by going to the "Label printers" item at the link .

If necessary, contact technical assistance for more details.


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