Create and edit product Ingredients

This section allows you to create a list of ingredients that can be added to the main products when creating the order ( View / Modify Ingredients and Variants on the product ), or to subtract them.

Unlike the variants, the ingredients can be used on any product. For more information, refer to the DETAILS tab in the Help section Creating and Editing a Product Data Sheet.

To access this section from the Products module, you need to press dots.png top right and then "Ingredients".


To create a new ingredient just press the button more.png and indicate in the fields on the right, a "Name" and a "Price Difference" if necessary (the value must be positive).
It will also be possible to associate the ingredient to certain "Categories" by selecting them mceclip3.png one, or more. By doing so you can limit the display of ingredients only for the products in the selected categories (See View Edit Ingredients and Variants on product ).

Once you have filled in all the information, you can cancel, or save the changes, using the appropriate icons at the top right.


To modify or delete an ingredient, just choose the desired item in the list and change the name / Price Difference, or press "DELETE" at the bottom right to permanently delete it.

NB If no category is associated, the ingredient will be visible for all the products selected during the creation of the order.
At the moment the ingredients cannot be unloaded / loaded in warehouse stock.

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