To add a new product from the Products module, just press the button bottom right . To be able to modify an existing product, just select it from the list of the Products module.
The upper part of the screen that will appear is characterized by a series of tabs that allow you to access and enter various information.
The information on each individual card is explained in detail below, click on one of the items in the list to go directly to the card of your interest:
this first tab contains the essential information for creating a new product.
There is a lot of information available, but only some fields are required: " Name" , " Department" and " Price 1" (retail price including VAT) . These fields are marked with "*". However, we recommend that you also choose a Category to simplify the use of the system.
If you clicked on the button after selecting a particular Category, that same category will automatically be shown in the item.
The Department assigns itself to the product in relation to the VAT rate applied to the sale. You have four pre-configured departments: 0%, 4%, 10% and 22% (you can always change the departments by contacting Scloby Customer Service).
You can enter up to 10 different prices for products. The prices applicable to the product are always inclusive of VAT, to bear in mind that it will not be possible to fill in the disabled price lists (For more details on Management and modification of the General Settings ).
The other optional fields on the tab are:
Button color |
You can associate one of the 8 available colors to create subcategories. The colors will be visible in Cashier and Command in the "grid without photos" mode |
Sort index |
As with the Categories , you can assign a number to sort the products according to your needs |
Season |
That is the year or period of production. It will be shown in the product sheet |
Brand |
Any reference mark |
Barcode |
One or more barcodes to be associated with the product. Each time a barcode is added, it is necessary to press ENTER on the keyboard to confirm its insertion. |
Default supplier |
The supplier previously registered in the specific Suppliers form. |
Cost |
The purchase cost of the product (excluding VAT) in order to calculate the profit margin, which is visible directly on Analytics. "Margin on Price 1" and "Markup on Price 1" are automatically calculated after you assign a value to the cost. |
To conclude there are still some useful options described below:
It allows you to view the product both in the Checkout and in Orders | |
If enabled, mark the product as a favorite, as indicated in the introduction to this section. | |
If active, it prevents you from entering discounts from the Cashier module. |
In this tab you can enable the individual sales channels, in which you want the product to be displayed, which category to associate it with and which price list to apply (the qualifications entered in this screen will allow you to modify the data sent on the channels, through additions) .
By pressing on it will be possible to select the category to be associated and to be displayed within the channel, and by selecting the price list also the price to be synchronized with the channel.
(For details on how to create a new channel visit Creating and managing sales channels )
This section allows you to enter some useful details for product inventory management.
In detail:
Unit of measure | the unit can be expressed in: pieces, meters, Kg, liters |
Unique SKU code | Identification code of a product, useful for synchronizing multiple Scloby environments. The code cannot be replicated across multiple products. |
Product code | Identification code of a product. Useful for tracing a product from different modules ( Products , Cashier , Orders , Stocks , Movements ). |
Weight | Useful for identifying the unit weight of a specific product (usable only in case of external additions) |
Some additional information can be entered here.
In particular:
Short name | The name shown in this field can only be displayed on the printed order. |
Description | Any additional information that may be useful in describing the product. It can be viewed on the product preview both in Checkout and in Orders . It can also be printed on the commercial document if the Print long description lines in generated documents option is enabled ( Settings -> Printers -> General settings ) |
Images | By pressing "Add image", you can upload the image to be associated with the product, the uploaded image will be visible as the main and preview image that will be visible in the product description (details on View / Edit Ingredients and Variants on product .) If you enter more images you can decide which to set as the main image simply by selecting it. |
Ingrediants | Ingredients that are part of the product recipe. The list is defined by the "Ingredients" section. It will be possible to make the association, only if the product is in the same category selected during the creation of the ingredient (See Creation and modification of Ingredients ) |
Allergens | Allergens are predefined, just write the first initials of the allergen to view it and then add it to the list |
Options (1 to 4) | If you fill in the "Options" items on settings (details on General preferences settings), it will be possible to enhance them. |
In this section, specific variants can be created for the product in question. Variants can only be associated with the product in Orders ( View / Modify Ingredients and Product Variants ).
In order to have a clearer idea on how to create one, or more variants, we report a practical example, in particular for the creation of a hypothetical COOKING variant:
1. The first thing to do is to add this specific variant by clicking on "ADD VARIANT" and typing "COOKING".
You can decide whether to make the insertion of the variant "Mandatory" when entering the product in order. In this case, after having entered the product in the order, the operator will be asked to choose a variant before confirming the insertion ( View / Modify Ingredients and Variants on product ).
2. Subsequently it is necessary to provide more options for the variant in question, to do so simply select the appropriate option, many times for how many options you want to create.
Once a "Name" has been entered, you can define a position in the list by providing a "Sort index" and possibly assign a "Price Difference" which will add to (or subtract, if with a negative value) from the list price.
3. By pressing on the keys , or i top right you can respectively restore the status to the last useful save, or confirm the changes made.
From here you have the possibility to choose whether to enable the product for stock management in the Warehouse and suppliers module.
The "Warehouse skills" button will make the product available for the creation of warehouse movements , as soon as the product is enabled, the stocks will be valued at "0".
If "Download on sale" is also enabled, the product will be downloaded from the warehouse stock every time it is sold.
Let's see in detail how the "Simple" and "Bill of Materials" management work, options that will be active as soon as the product is enabled:
1. The "Simple" management of the product is useful in case you want to manage the movements of single units, or pieces of a specific product (eg a single bottle of water, a can, or a prepackaged product) in the warehouse.
activated this mode, a "minimum stock" can also be established, ie a specific quantity for which the system must indicate that the product is about to run out. The message will appear directly in the cashier , or in commands .
2. The "Bill of materials", on the other hand, allows you to manage the quantities relating to the individual raw materials that define the product recipe. In order to do this, it is necessary to fill in the list of raw materials in advance.
By selecting "Bill of materials", the "ADD COMPONENT" key is activated, pressing it opens a new line in which to select the type of component to be added.
It is possible to choose between:
Product | A product from the price list enabled for simple warehouse management |
Raw material | One of the previously created commodities in the Commodities list. |
Semi-finished product | Element which products / raw materials can be added as sub-components (can be used for example for the creation of doughs) |
Once you have chosen the type of element to add, simply select the name field to view the list of enabled products / raw materials. A search field will allow you to choose the desired item by writing its name. At this point it is necessary to define a specific quantity, to be indicated in relation to the unit of measurement previously chosen. Here is an example:
NB Units of measure and costs are defined during the creation of products or raw materials. The cost value in particular is automatically calculated in relation to the quantity of product entered. The final cost of the product will be defined by the sum of the costs of the individual components.
3. There is a secondary mode for using the "Bill of materials" which can be activated via the "Manual production" item.
At an operational level, the components of the recipe must be inserted as explained previously in point 2. The substantial difference lies in the fact that the finished product is unloaded from the warehouse before being sold. It is possible to define the quantity of products in manual production when creating inventory movements.
From here you can indicate whether the product should be printed by other printers orders, in addition to the one associated with the reference category ( Printer management - PRODUCTS )
If the category is already enabled within a printer, the field will be shown in gray.
Once the relevant printer has been enabled, just press to save the new setting.