View / Modify Ingredients and Variants on Product

During the insertion of a product in an order, it is possible to view information regarding the chosen item, or modify it by inserting variants (see also the appropriate section in the guide for creating and editing a product sheet ), or ingredients (See Creation and modification of ingredients ).

To view the information of a product before inserting it in the order, just press and hold on it. A window will appear with all the information entered during the product creation phase.

Pressure_on_product.png mceclip0.png

You will be able to view the allergens, indicated by the icon mceclip1.png , ingredients, price and description. Pressing mceclip2.png , the product will be automatically inserted in the order.

In case of mandatory variants, a window will open in which to choose the variant to add.


The same window can be called up by selecting any product entered in the order.


In addition to the variants, it is possible to select or modify the output, enter notes, modify the unit price, activate the half portion and finally the number of products for which to apply the modifications.

It is also possible to insert the ingredients to add (by swiping to the right), or to remove (by swiping to the left), this regardless of whether an ingredient is already assigned to the product during the compilation of the registry, the list of ingredients. displayed here, they will only be visible for the associated category during creation (See Creating and editing ingredients ).

mceclip3.png Ingredient not inserted

Ingredient removed

mceclip4.png Added ingredient
mceclip5.png Ingredient added more than once
(based on the addition number, x2, x3 will appear, this will also increase the relative price if indicated inside the ingredient)

The ingredients previously associated with the product will always be displayed at the top of the "MODIFY INGREDIENTS" list, and will also be marked with the icon mceclip0.png and from "*". (to find out more, see the section on inserting ingredients in Creating and editing a product sheet ).

Below is an example of removing an ingredient already assigned (Calamari) and adding "x2" of the ingredient "Mackerel".


Make the changes and confirm with mceclip5.png , the product will be displayed in command with all the information previously indicated, displayed in the form of notes.

Specifically, the "Mackerel" will be added "x2" as it was already assigned during the creation of the product.


NB Only the addition of ingredients, or variants with surcharges on the price, will modify the final amount of the product, while the subtraction of ingredients will not affect the latter unless the specific function is activated on Settings-> General- > Preferences .
In the case of Products with Bill of Materials, the addition or subtraction of variants does not move the warehouse.

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