Edit an order and send it

Before proceeding with the insertion, you have the possibility to immediately see the availability of the item in stock.


A colored dot will distinguish products such as:

image_4.png Not managed in stock
To find out how to enable the product in stock, go to Creating and editing a product sheet
image_3.png Available in stock
To load a product into the warehouse go to Creation of Transactionsreazione
image__2_.png Low availability
To set a minimum stock on the product go to  Creating and editing a product sheet
image__1_.png No longer available
However, it will be possible to insert it within the orders

E' possibile nascondere i prodotti non disponibili in giacenza premendo su mceclip0.png e selezionando "Solo disponibili" (puoi trovare maggiori dettagli, alla sezione della guida 

It is possible to hide the products not available in stock by pressing on mceclip0.png and selecting "Only available" (you can find more details in the help section Action keys and changes to product view)


You can add the products chosen by customers to the order by simply clicking on them. To increase the quantity, you can press several times on the product, or swipe to the right in the corresponding line of the order.

To decrease the quantities you can swipe to the left in the corresponding row. Going below 1 piece, you will be asked if you want to delete the row.


If you want to create and order a product not yet present in the price list, just select a category from the list above and press the key piu_comanda.png .


  • In the screen that will appear it will be necessary to enter some mandatory information in order to complete the operation:
  • Name
    Quantity (understood as the number of products to be included for sale)
    Single price
    Department (corresponding VAT rate)
  • After confirming the creation with the button spunta_comanda.png the product will appear directly for sale and will only be available for the current operation.
  • If you wish to proceed with the definitive saving of the product in the price list, simply activate the "Save in the product catalog for future use" function before confirming. In this case it might be useful to add an eventual "Category".

Note: If the product is saved without indicating the category it belongs to, it will be automatically saved in "No category".

You can divide the dishes by outlets, that is, by groups of products to be served at the same time, thus also defining an outbound order. To do this, select the corresponding output before adding the product.



Uscite NON selezionate Uscita 2 Selezionata
In this way, whoever manages the order can request the exit of the dishes by pressing the button Marcia_Uscita.png to the right of the corresponding exit. On the basis of the number of outputs used and sent, it will be possible to see the progress of the order in the Room and Tables: the number on the right defines the total number of outputs, the one on the left, the number of "output gear" sent. Tavolo_con_uscite.png 

Table with an exit gear sent, on three exits used

Press mceclip6.png at the bottom right to save the order and send it to the areas of competence (eg kitchen, bar, etc.). To find out how to associate Categories with desired printers, see Manage Printers.

Comanda Normale Comanda Asporto
Once the command has been sent, the button mceclip6.png will notify the successful printing with mceclip7.png, later replaced by mceclip8.png, which will allow you to reprint a copy of the entire order. In this specific case, "REPRINT" will appear at the top of the printed document. mceclip9.png

Note: If the printing was not successful, the application will show the results of all printers, marking the unreachable printer with the symbol.

By modifying a command already sent and pressing the button Send, only the modifications will be saved and sent to print.


By pressing the button mceclip11.png the command will be saved and set aside, you can recall it at any time in several ways. For details, see  Opening a previously created order.

If you want to request the account, press the button mceclip12.png, a confirmation request will follow.


Note: Once the account has been requested, the order will go to the Cashier and it will not be possible to return to the previous state, therefore it will no longer be possible to manage the printing of orders.

During the order management operations, any messages regarding warehouse stocks may appear. Whenever a product goes into "under stock" status, this will be notified at the bottom right of the screen:


The same will happen when the product is no longer available:



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