In case the internet is temporarily unavailable, Scloby will go to Offline mode.
At this stage, only Cashier , Command and and Sale and Tables will be available, the essential modules so that you can still proceed with the main operations.
Offline mode is indicated by the symbol top left, which will be present until the internet is available again. Also you will get the following message:
This is because the data relating to the Warehouse and suppliers and History modules can only be updated if there is an internet connection. But don't worry, the data will automatically realign when the connection is reestablished.
NB The information is temporarily saved only on the device used, therefore, so that it is not lost, the current session must never be terminated.
Proceeding to create a new sale, the following name will be assigned:
The progress of the sale will always follow an increasing trend. When the History is restored, all sales created at this juncture will be recorded as "Offline".
The main functions of the Cassa remain unchanged, including the issuance of the commercial document and the fiscal closure. The only document that cannot be created and issued is the electronic invoice, as in the absence of a connection it cannot be transmitted to the Revenue Agency.
NB the printing operations can be performed if the local network is functioning correctly. In order to communicate with the printer, make sure that all devices are connected on the same WiFi network, even if there is no internet.