Create a new sale with an associated customer


You can associate a customer with a sale to track their purchases, activate promotions, allow them to accumulate points related to promotional campaigns, top up their credit, or issue electronic invoices in their favor.
To proceed with the insertion press under the name of the sale.

In the window that opens, you can search for a customer by name, surname, company name, or fidelity. The customer (private or company) will be searched from the list previously created in the Customers module (Customer creation ).


Once selected, it will be possible to view:

  1. "Available credit": accumulated by the customer on a prepaid card, if the prepaid cards module is active ( Introduction to the module and management of prepaid cards ).

  2. "Total Spent": The total spent by the customer since it was created and associated with sales.

  3. "Points": total of points accumulated by the customer on his Fidelity, if the Points collections module is active on Scloby ( Introduction to the Points collections module ).

You can also proceed with changing the customer by clicking on mceclip2.png , search for a new one by pressing on mceclip3.png , or confirm by pressing on mceclip4.png .

If the " Points collections " module is enabled, with active prizes on the campaign, upon confirmation by the customer, in case of achievement of the points necessary for the assignment of the objective, the window for selecting the available prizes based on the points accumulated from the customer.

You can choose one from the list, or cancel by pressing mceclip0.png to continue collecting points.
(NB it is possible to associate a reward per sale.)

In case the customer is not present, you can enter a new one by simply pressing .


In this new window you can enter all the data necessary to identify the customer. The only mandatory ones are "name" and "surname" for individuals, "company name" for companies.

If the customer wishes to receive an electronic invoice, just fill in the "VAT number" field and click on mceclip6.png , in this way an automatic change will be made from "Private" to "Company" and all the data for electronic invoicing will be entered, the only data to be filled in will remain "Recipient Code" and "Email pec", to correctly deliver the invoice . The data will remain recorded in the cashier when the account request is made.

To save the data and confirm the selection, press in both screens.

In the event that the data necessary for issuing the electronic invoice are filled in, the application will automatically ask if you want to issue an electronic invoice for the selected customer.


The customer's name will be visible at the top right, under the name of the sale.

If the selected customer has the "Shipping address" field filled in, you will be prompted to select an address or "No delivery", you can always add other shipping addresses by clicking on mceclip1.png .

Once you have entered the shipping address you will be re-proposed the selection, which once confirmed Screenshot_2016-07-07_18.15.43.png it will also be printed on the Commercial Document.

NB if the selected document is not correct, you will need to change the information from the Print Options section.


With a simple press on the name, you can change the selected customer. With a long press, you will be asked to delete the customer entered.



Entry by barcode or tax code

In the event that you have associated a loyalty card with the customer card, you can simply read the barcode of the fidelity card, or QR Code with the reader, or the camera of your device . This way the customer will be automatically associated with the current sale.

By reading the tax code, any personal data previously entered will be automatically associated with the sale, if the tax code has not yet been associated with a customer card this will in any case be associated with the sale.


This will allow you to issue a simplified electronic invoice, or talking receipts.

If the customer has a QRCode for the electronic invoice, the customer will be automatically created and associated with the sale, with all the information to allow the electronic invoice to be issued.

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