Working with integrated electronic payment methods


On Scloby You can enter different payment methods to close a sale. Here it will be shown how to make a POS compatible with the software communicate, some integrated methods, their correct configuration and operation. All alternative payment methods can be reached via the "MIXED" button at the bottom right of the Cashier section ( Closing the sale and payment options ).

Please contact customer support if you need more assistance.


Below is a list of methods (you can select one in particular to reach the guide of your interest):

Pos Ingenico To receive payment with Amount Exchange.
Satispay To directly accept payment on Scloby.
EatsReady To directly accept payment on Scloby.
Cashmatic To receive payment with Amount Exchange.
Prepaid card Can only be used in case of activation of the Prepaid Card module.
Sumup To start the exchange amount with Sumup.
Delivery To have more delivery circuits.
Other In case of need, it is possible to request a personalized payment method from technical assistance, by emailing, or by calling 011 070 1550 internal 4.


POS Ingenico

If you have an Ingenico POS compatible with Scloby (for further details click here ), it will be possible to configure it to communicate directly with Scloby when closing the payment. To complete the account, a special "POS" button will be created, through which the amount entered on Scloby will be sent directly to the Ingenico POS, which at this point will wait for the credit card or debit card to close the transaction.
A message waiting for the successful transaction with the POS will appear on the Scloby application.


Once the payment is completed on the Ingenico POS, the sale will be closed on Scloby and on the document issued by the Fiscal Printer, the POS receipt will also be present.


In the event that, on Scloby, the seconds of waiting for the transaction with the POS expire, the application will still wait for the completion of the transaction on the POS Ingenico, unless the " Cancel Payment " button is pressed.

The method can be associated with the "Cards" hotkey .



When using Satispay on Scloby for the first time, you will be asked to enter the activation code, which can be found on your "Satispay Business" app, by selecting "Create an activation code" from the menu at the top left.


Once the code has been created, enter it on the screen that appears on Scloby and press on mceclip4.png . The next window will indicate that the software is awaiting payment by the customer, who will have to enter the amount that you will indicate on his app.


Once done, the customer's name and the amount due will appear. By accepting, the transaction will be closed and recorded. The "Satispay Business" app will no longer be needed.

The method can be associated with the "Cards" hotkey .



The first time EatsReady is used as a payment method, you will be asked to login, with the credentials provided by EatsReady.


Once you have entered your credentials and pressed on mceclip4.png , you will see a window waiting for the payment to be received. The customer will have to pay the same amount indicated on Scloby through his app.


The method can be associated with the "Cards" hotkey .

NB At the moment the method is managed only for the receipt of "NOT RECEIVED" payments.



In case of payment by exchange amount with Cashmatic, the Cashmatic will be activated during the payment request and a window will appear on Scloby with:

  • Total Payment Received
  • Total Balance Paid
  • Total rest not paid

Once the full amount has been entered, the sale will be closed.

Activated on the fast payment button "Cards" .


Prepaid Card

If the Prepaid Cards module is enabled, the Prepaid Credit button will be present in the "Mixed" section,
that will be enabled for use only if a customer has not been associated with the sale.


If the Customer has a remaining credit, his available balance will also be shown on the button.


NB For more details on prepaid cards, read also Introduction to the module and management of prepaid cards.



For the first configuration it will be necessary to open a new sale for a total amount equal to or greater than 1 euro. The first time you use this method on Scloby, the Sumup login screen will open. Once logged in, the search for the POS provided by Sumup will start, which will be paired via Bluetooth to the Tablet / Smartphone.

Each time the Sumup method is used, the POS will be activated automatically, and the sale will be closed at the end of the transaction.

The method can be associated with the "Cards" hotkey .

NB Sumup is currently only available on Android devices. Make sure Bluetooth and geolocation on your mobile device are always on.



By enabling the "delivery" button it will be possible to trace all the methods with a single button, in fact, once pressed, a window will open that will allow you to select a delivery from those in the list (the circuits can be modified, on Settings-> Sales channels , for more information Click here ).


In the case of sales generated by orders created as "Home delivery", if a channel is selected, it will be shown at the top of the sale.
If the sales channel has been configured with enabled "Consider all orders entered manually as already paid", you can proceed to close the sale by pressing only on mixed


The payment method marked with will already be present on the screen mceclip1.png , to indicate that the payment has already been received by the platform.


If you try to remove it, the following message will appear.



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