In the event that it is necessary to make a return for a sale already made previously, it is necessary to proceed with the operation from the History -> Sales module. Once the sale has been selected, a reason must be chosen from among those proposed in the list (with the exception of "Incorrect receipt").
Once the operation is confirmed , a new sale will open automatically in the cashier , with all the items of the original sale, but with negative quantities.
In case it is necessary to return only some of the articles present, just make a long press on the lines of the articles to be excluded
and click on "Delete" on the window that opens.
Once the operation is complete, just press the button at the bottom right, in the Cashier screen (which replaces the " Payment Actions " buttons). A commercial return document will be issued immediately afterwards .
NB It is not recommended to make contextual returns, as it is not a function managed by all telematic recorders. We suggest proceeding with the operation as indicated in this paragraph, and subsequently issuing a new sale.