Data import

You can quickly import some of the main data, such as eg. products, or inventory quantities by compiling CSV, XLS or XLSX files. To do this from the main menumenu.png select Settings -> Data Import .


This screen, initially empty, will show, following the operations, a history of previous imports, divided by lines.

To proceed with importing a new file, press the button Schermata_2021-01-27_alle_12.11.26.pngat the end of the page.


Let's see below what the individual items shown on the screen indicate:

Import type Allows you to choose what type of items to import (currently PRODUCTS , or STOCK MOVEMENTS , but more options will be available with future versions of Scloby)
Import source

At the moment the import is only executable from files, but more options may be available with future versions of Scloby

scegli.png Allows you to choose the file you want to import
Decimal separator Check if the decimal separator is set correctly. In Italy and in most of Europe the comma is used as a decimal separator (eg: 1.234.567,89), but consider that files exported from other management systems could use the point.
File type

The following formats are supported:

  • Excel version 97 to 2003 (.xsl extension)
  • Excel from version 2007 to 365 (extension .xlsx)
  • Separator or fixed-width text file (extension .csv)

In the case of CSV files, you will be asked to select some additional information.


Let's see below the two types of separation:



It is important to choose the "Column separator" between the data and any symbols that enclose the data, indicated by the "String delimiter" entry.

Let's see some common use cases. On the examples we have assumed that the loading of the products is made from a CSV file with data NAME, Price1 and VAT RATE:




Name, price1, VAT rate


Not enclosed

First name; price1; Tax rate


Not racked

Price name1 VAT rate


Not enclosed

“Name”, “price1”, “VAT rate


Quotation marks

'Name', 'price1', 'VAT rate'



NB In case of exporting data already present on Scloby, in .CSV format, the separator and delimiter will be set automatically when importing, therefore keep the separation by values, as set in the image above. For more details on exporting data, see also Introduction to the Products module



A fixed-width text file is an ASCII file (usually with the extension .TXT) in which each field has a well-defined size and position on the line. To understand how it works, let's try to create a filter called Import CUSTOMERS from fixed-width text files. Here is an example:

Company name Town Country Country Telephone FAX
PEROZZI GIORGIO CESENA FC IT 0547-111111 0547-234343
NECCHI GUIDO RIMINI RN IT 0541-222222 0541-342343

The company name field is 21 characters wide, location 13 characters, province 7 characters, country 6 characters, telephone 15 characters and fax 11 characters. Consequently we are going to set the following separations: 21; 13; 7; 6; 15; 11


Once you have chosen the type of file to import, select Schermata_2021-01-27_alle_12.14.11.png on top right to continue. The import of products and the import of inventory movements will be explained in detail below.




The screen displayed when the import is confirmed is divided into four columns. Let's see what they represent below:

Column The number of the corresponding column on the file
Column name The name assigned to the column on the file. It can be defined autonomously when compiling the file. In case of exporting the file from Scloby, the values will be predetermined on the CSV. See also Introduction to the Products module
Example The value reported in the first line of the file. Provides a preview of the values that will be imported
Scloby value The value to be associated manually during the import phase and which must correspond to the COLUMN NAME previously assigned during the compilation of the file. Also in this case, if the file is imported following a previous export from Scloby, the fields will be associated automatically. See also Introduction to the Products module

In the example shown in the image above, a typical import of a price list is represented. The values highlighted are the mandatory ones (product name, VAT rate and main price), this means that they would be sufficient for a very basic import.

For greater understanding, at the end of this guide, you will find the file used for this example, called "Simple product import", attached. It can be used as a reference file for your own import.

Optionally, it is also possible to indicate the primary key to be used, which is only useful if you intend to update the personal data already present in Scloby.


In case of new elements you can skip this point.

If any of the imported elements are already present, it is possible to decide the behavior to be followed according to the options proposed in the "In case of element already existing" field:


Once these steps have been completed, press Schermata_2021-01-27_alle_12.14.11.png top right to continue.

In the next step, you are asked to name the import.

Having entered the mandatory data, you can continue by selecting again Schermata_2021-01-27_alle_12.14.11.png. At this point the data import will start.


This screen is also divided into columns, let's see below what each element represents:

State The progress of the operation is indicated. The icon aggiornamento_in_corso.pngindicates that the process is still in progress, when finished it will be replaced by conferma.png
First name The name provided in the immediately preceding operation
Execution Date and time when the process was carried out
Guy The type of import carried out (e.g. products, or warehouse stocks)
Elements Number of elements present in the imported list
Imported Items successfully loaded
Errors Items not imported due to any compilation errors

The icon menu_prodotto_1.png to the right of the line allows you to access a series of additional options.


Each function is explained in detail below:

Original download Allows you to download the originally imported file
Download errors It gives the possibility to check which errors were reported during the import phase. A file in CSV format will contain the description of the wrong products and their reasons
Download technical log A useful report for assistance in the event of particularly serious errors
Duplicate It allows you to return to the file import phase, maintaining the characteristics of the previous import. Useful after correcting the document. In this case the association with the Scloby values will be maintained

To get a general idea of a more complex import, the file called "Articulated product import" is attached to this guide, which contains some sample products with a series of optional information. On the second tab of the same file there will be a brief description of all the fields that can be associated on Scloby, their characteristics and links to the associated guides for further information.



In this second case, the mandatory import values are the SKU (possibly the product ID) and the quantities to be changed. Regarding this last datum, the handling carried out involves loading or unloading with respect to the current stock. Therefore the quantity will be added if the value reported in the file is positive, subtracted if the quantity is negative (eg -60).

Also for this second type of import, at the end of this guide, the file used for the example shown in the image above is attached, called "Simple movement import".

The operations to follow to complete the process are identical to those described above for importing products .

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