The Warehouse and Suppliers module allows you to keep track of the availability of your products, record their incoming and outgoing movements, and therefore have an important aspect of your business under control in a simple way. You can access this module through the Main Menu . By selecting Warehouse and Suppliers you will have access to four different areas described below:
Stocks | In this section you can view the quantity and availability of the products in stock |
Movements | Here you create all the loading / unloading movements of the enabled products (WAREHOUSE tab in Creating and editing a product sheet ) |
Providers | Here you can manage the list of suppliers of your products ( Management and creation of Suppliers ) |
Passive invoices | In the event that the electronic invoicing service has been activated through Scloby, it will be possible to access the dedicated area from here and consult the archive of the invoices received ( Potale Invoices ) |