Verification of Stocks

This section allows you to check the stock of products in the warehouse. To access you need to go to the main menu menu.png and select Warehouse and Suppliers -> Inventories .


In this section it is possible to immediately check the availability of a product, indicated visually by means of specific colors:

Using the appropriate button pallino.png it will be possible to filter the information by color.

The quantity relating to the product and the date and time of the last modification made are clearly indicated on the sheet.

At the top right there are a series of icons that will allow you to:

letter.png Send an email to the desired address with a csv file containing the data on the displayed stocks
isto.png Check the value in euros and the total number of pieces in the warehouse
Lente.png Search for a product
Quick.png Quickly switch to the module Movements
Dots.png Display a specific number of lines per page



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