Check stock Movements

From the Movements section, in addition to creating new warehouse inventory loading / unloading operations, it is possible to control all types of movements that have been made previously, including automatic sales ones.


Each line of the history represents a specific movement (for example following the sale of an item), or a group of movements (for example relating to a purchase document). Each line shows the date and time, the name of the operation, and the reason for it. If required, the document number and the name of the supplier will also be present.

By selecting the movement line, the products that are part of it can be displayed.


The screen will display the date and time of the movements, any document reference numbers and associated suppliers. For each item, the relative quantities handled, purchase prices, supplier discounts and net purchase (if present, or expected).

By pressing on the single product line it is possible to view further information.


Via the icon Duplica.png the movement is duplicated, with the possibility of making any changes before confirming.

In order to facilitate the search for a particular movement, you have a series of filters available. Starting from the button Filter.png at the top left you have the possibility to decide what type of movements to display.


Below you can choose the date range within which to search.


It is a field that allows you to search for a specific movement. Eg. by product name, order number, supplier, etc.


Finally, the three buttons at the top right will allow you to:

Download.png Download a csv file containing the data on the displayed stocks
Quick_giac.png Quickly go to the Inventories module
Dots.png View a specific number of lines per page, or import stock from spreadsheet. See also Importing data
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