The app gives you the possibility to access your cash point from any device through the previously downloaded application. This is because, being a cloud solution, it offers you the possibility to access your work environment, wherever you are.
NB For security reasons, you cannot independently change the email and / or email address associated with your user account. In case of need, please contact Customer Service.
Multiple users can be created for the same environment, who can also work simultaneously on different synchronized devices (see also Creating and managing new users ).
Users may have particular limitations in order to facilitate their ease of use. A waiter, for example, can have his own personal user with authorization only for S ale and tables and commands , in such a way as to exempt him from c ass a operations.
To log in, open the application. If you have not already done so, you will be asked to log in.
Enter the username and password that were previously sent to you via e-mail or text message and press the Next button to continue .
Once done you will go directly to your work environment.
If you own more than one business, you will be able to select the work environment you want to access from a specific list.
In this screen you can see the complete list of available environments, distinguished by the name of the shop (see also Managing and editing the General Settings ) and by the name of the environment (automatically assigned when subscribing to the contact). A filter will make it easier for you to search for the environment, select the one you want to proceed.