The booking module allows you to create and manage all booking requests for your venue and control various aspects.
To access the module go to the main menu via the icon and select Reservations.
At the first access, the display for "Week" is presented, characterized by the presence of a series of boxes, each of which represents the hourly intervals of the lunch and evening service.
Each box shows the start and end times of the service, the number of tables and the percentage of availability, the number of seats and the relative status as a percentage.
The screen is divided into columns, which show the days of the month and the active week, and rows that represent the reference times. A red line highlights the current day and time.
The weekly interval displayed is indicated at the top left; it is possible to switch from one week to another using the appropriate commands. The TODAY button, on the other hand, will allow you to return to the current week.
The button at the bottom right gives the possibility to create a new order. Before moving on to this phase, let's see how to choose alternative viewing modes to the weekly one.
Pressing the button at the top right, the menu for accessing the sub modes is displayed.
Selecting "List" will display the list of booked customers.
By choosing "Resources" instead, you can access the view of the availabilities per table.
In this mode you have the possibility to view on the left the list of rooms and their respective tables, the keys + and - correspondence of the rooms, will respectively allow you to display or hide the list of tables.
The element No entry at the top allows the management of free reservations, not associated with any particular table.
The reference times are shown on the upper part of the screen, each cell below is a slot representing a specific time interval. The size of the slot can be changed from the preferences of the Settings module (See also Managing and editing General settings).
By clicking and dragging, or swiping from left to right, along the slots corresponding to the desired times, it will be possible to create a new reservation.
Unlike the key present in the other modes, the date, time and table selected with the previous operation will already be automatically indicated on the next screen.
Complete all the other information necessary for the creation of the new booking, starting from entering the customer's data, by selecting the relevant field.
Pressing you can create a new reference, the other button
you will be able to search for a previously registered customer.
Once this first data has been confirmed, it will be possible to define the STATUS of the reservation through the next field.
If necessary, change the duration of the reservation and the number of seats. This last element will allow you to view only the tables available, for that specific number, in the list on the right.
Finally it will be possible to insert an additional note.
Pressing at the top right, the reservation thus created will be displayed in the resource screen with a specific color, which will vary according to the status.
Let's see below how the color will change according to the selected state.
Provisional booking | |
Reservation confirmed | |
Customer arrived, or seated | |
End of service, Customer not presented |
By choosing the status "Customer arrived" or "Customer seated", a new order will be automatically created. A message at the bottom left of the screen will allow you to access the open order by clicking on DETAILS.
Returning again to the weekly view we can see how the information on the state of occupancy of the tables for the evening service has been updated.
The "list" view to see the details of the new booking.
The following will be shown: the table's occupation time interval, the number of seats, the customer's name, the room and the reference table. The icon allows you to visually identify the status of the reservation, it will change color in case of modification.
With a click, or tap on the row in the list, it will be possible to reopen the reservation details.
The icon delete the booking..
On the "Resources" screen select to view the details of the reservation again and try to occupy more tables at the same time.
Pressing to confirm the change, we will see that the reservation will be multiplied by the same time on more tables.